Saturday, June 29, 2013

Home Again, Home Again: The Calm After The Storm(s)

Here I sit watching the Bachelorette vexed by droopy eyes and seemingly endless yawns. As I think about the week that lies ahead of me (dog-sitting, cat-sitting, shifts at the Gap, and a horse back riding lesson) I cannot help but yearn for the familiarity of the counseling job I enjoyed last summer. This yearning has become even stronger now that I have just returned from a week of acting as a fill-in counselor at the best place on Earth, good ole Pine Springs Camp. 

I received the pleasure of working alongside a great counselor that I met last summer. It was so nice to spend my week with someone who I knew already and could catch up with. We had a great cabin of four beautiful, bounding girls who were so elated to be at camp for the week. The sun shone down on us for two days and then came the storms. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were plagued with gallons and gallons of pouring rain. 

Even though I suffered soggy hair, muddy toes, and the constant smell of must on every article of clothing in the cabin, the week truly could not have been better. The new staff members accepted me with open, loving arms and I basked in the delight of spending time with some great old friends on staff too. 

Not only was I appreciating time with friends old and new but I savored the time and connection I had with God. For me, I feel closest to God when I am out in nature. The wind on my face, the birds singing, and the sun shining through the trees, it all just screams God's love and power. 

I hope to keep up this connection now that I am back home and falling back into my regular summer routine. I plan on taking walks and seeking God through the nature around my home in order to appreciate God even when I'm not in "the best place on Earth." In addition to finding God through nature, I can also feel His peace and love through some of my favorite Christian songs. Here are a few of my all time favorite lines:

No power of Hell, no scheme of man, 
can ever pluck me from His hand
~In Christ Alone

Take my will and make it Thine, 
it shall be no longer mine
~Take my Life (and Let it Be)

Jesus died my soul to save,
my lips shall still repeat
~Jesus Paid it All