Saturday, August 24, 2013

So... I'm going to Malawi? Journal Entry: Thursday July 18

"Black bird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
You were only waiting
For this moment to be free"
~The Beatles

This song is playing on the radio as my parents drive me to the airport. I feel like it is representative of what this trip will bring for me. My eyes will be opened for the first time to another part of the world. All my life, I was only waiting for my moment to be free.

Other songs on the car ride:
Neil Young- After the Gold Rush
Jack Johnson- Flake
Suzanne Vega- Tom's Diner

Our first flight took less than 40 minutes! It was so quick and painless. Before the flight we talked about how the sound of rolling luggage over the tiles of Pittsburgh airport is sort of soothing to hear. It makes me excited because I think "I'm flying somewhere!" It's always exciting to be away from home of course! I sat next to Sarah on the plane and we had great constant conversation.

The D.C. airport smells like pizza and fresh paint. We had delicious Chipotle lunch in our international wing of this massive airport. It's interesting to see all of the people who are foreign. Foreign in language, dress, culture and simple ways of life. It's interesting how babies seem to have the same babble and innocence no matter their ethnicity, place of birth, etc. Babies are great. A little girl came up to me to show off or to give me her milk. I think she and her mom are from Africa because they are on our flight to South Africa. I didn't really know what to say to the little girl and it made me wonder if that was a sort of preview for the trip in relation to children. Now the little girl has been restrained by her mother in a scarf black sling. She's definitely not happy about it.

Our flight leaves at about 6 and we should arrive in South Africa during their dinner time!

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