Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hey Ya'll I'm In London!

Sorry I haven't blogged very much lately! I've been in London for ten days now. It feels like it has been so much longer though because we hae been going going going nonstop. My energy tank is empty and so is my wallet. But this is London and I can't stand to sit around and not take advantage of every single second.

All of the rumors going around about how insanely expensive London is are totally true. It's funny how a price tag of 10 pounds doesn't seem so bad until you realize it's actually about $15.

Either way I am still trying to make the most of my time here! Free museums are great and my friends and I just recently found out that when shows are sold out you can but standing room tickets for only 12 pounds... Les Miserables here we come!

I am finally starting to get comfortable here with the time management, the commute to school, relations with my host family, and even some of the British ways of life. For example you shouldn't make too much eye contact (or any at all) with people unless you know them. And when riding the tube you should be silent. Talking is annoying to others who are riding in your car. All things to get used to!

So far I've been to Piccadilly Circus, the river Thames, Camden Markets, Hammersmith, Stonehenge, Bath, and Portobello Market in Notting Hill with some friends just today! This weekend (Friday 20th-Sunday 22nd) I'm heading to Scotland! Please pray for me as I will be staying in a cheap coed hostel -- I mean it's all part of the experience right?

I can't even begin to count how many times I've ridden the tube and the buses. It takes me about an hour and a half to get to my classes in Kensington (yes, like the palace!). Thankfully I only have classes Tuesday through Thursday so I have a massive four-day weekend. Living the dream.

I'm listening to Laura Story's song Blessings and she sings, "What if trials of this life are your mercies in disguise?" I feel like this song applies so well to my experiences so far in London. I've prayed an dprayed for a smooth and successful time abroad. To my surprise it has actually been really tough. I've gotten lost many times, I am so homesick, running out of money, and sometimes (a lot of the time) people aren't always nice. But I know that God is using this period in my life -- especially the hard parts -- to help me grow.

More infor to come about the results of my Scotland trip! Also I will be uploading pictures to Facebook very soon. Here's a preview, enjoy!



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