Monday, September 2, 2013

Welp, Here We Are. Sunday 21 July Malawi 2013

Sermon Notes:

Psalm 1
Acts 6
Joshua 3
Ephesians 4

The Church: humble, gentle, love, one body, one spirit, no longer infants, cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you.

My Notes:

Boy am I tired. Emotionally, physically, mentally. Since 5:12 a.m. I have been awake. I cannot eat another bite of absolutely anything. I can eat all day long at home and yet I feel full all the time here. Why am I on this trip? What has God planned for me?

Everything and everyone has a distinct smell. I guess that's how it is everywhere. I know my family and I have a certain smell and our house does. Maybe it's from the food we eat? Or our laundry detergent? Or maybe, it's the dogs... hopefully not.  The smells here are the same as the smells in America and yet they feel so foreign to me. The smells of dust, garbage, diesel, etc. We have those smells in America but why do they seem so different here?

Today I was picked up from Grace Bandawe Church Conference Center by my new host dad, Mr. Samuel Kapuka. First we went to a small grocery store. I went inside with him and we got some tea and water and some milk (in a bag!) That was interesting. Also people like to laugh at me when I try to speak Chichewa. I don't blame them, I probably sound (and look) like a fool.

Next we went to his house and I got a quick tour before we all loaded into the car and went to church.

The rest of the day consisted of picture-taking, meals, and hanging out around the house. I got my own guest house complete with a living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bath! Wow!

The Kapuka's are so nice and welcoming to me. They really know how to treat a guest. They have a beautiful garden surrounding their home and people actually pay them to get married on their front yard! Imagine that. They also have about 30 pigs around the back of their house. I think pigs are so cute and I love being around animals even if it's not a dog. Did I mention they also have
The Kapuka home and one small part of their beautiful garden!
7 guard dogs? They're small and they yap yap yap yap yap all day and as I will soon find out, all night long.

With drooping eyelids I cannot write any longer as I fall asleep to the sound of squealing piggies.

Good night, Malawi. 

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